Monday, February 28, 2011


What a weekend! I painted G's room, painted a dresser, made some curtain panels, and have almost finished the cork board in our office.
My fingers are raw to the bone from sanding and painting and my back feels like a 100 year old pack mule.  G's room looks adorbs. Give me some time to zshush it up and I will take some snazzy photos for ya.
Hey dudes...have you been to pier one lately?  They have some really radical stuff for super cheap prices. I have been looking for wacky swirly frenchy chairs and I finally found them. 120 doll hairs and white to I can paint them whatever color I damn well please!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just cause it's purty


Bentuk konstruksi kuda kuda berdasar lebar bentang

Konstruksi kuda-kuda adalah susunan rangka batang yang berfungsi mendukung beban atap termasuk juga beratnya sendiri, sekaligus dapat memberikan bentuk pada atap.
merupakan penyangga utama pada struktur atap. Struktur ini termasuk dalam klasifikasi struktur framework (truss), secara umumnya kuda - kuda terbuat dari kayu, bambu, baja, dan beton bertulang.

  • Kuda - kuda kayu digunakan sebagai pendukung atap dengan bentang maksimal sekitar 12 m. Kuda - kuda bambu pada umumnya mampu mendukung beban atap sampai dengan 10 meter
  • kuda - kuda baja sebagai pendukung atap, dengan sistem frame work atau lengkung dapat mendukung beban atap sampai dengan bentang 75 meter, seperti pada hanggar pesawat, stadion olah raga, bangunan pabrik, dll.
  • Kuda - kuda dari beton bertulang dapat digunakan pada atap dengan bentang sekitar 10 hingga 12 meter.
  • Pada kuda - kuda dari baja atau kayu diperlukan ikatan angin untuk memperkaku struktur kuda-kuda pada arah horisontal.
Pada dasarnya konstruksi kuda - kuda terdiri dari rangkaian batang yang selalu membentuk segitiga. Dengan mempertimbangkan berat atap serta bahan dan bentuk penutupnya, maka konstruksi kuda - kuda satu sama lain akan berbeda, tetapi setiap susunan rangka batang harus merupakan satu kesatuan bentuk yang kokoh yang nantinya mampu memikul beban yang bekerja tanpa mengalami perubahan.

Kuda-kuda diletakkan diatas dua struktur beton/baja selaku tumpuannya. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa tembok diusahakan tidak menerima gaya horisontal maupun momen, karena tembok hanya mampu menerima beban vertikal saja ( dalam perhitungan struktur tembok tidak diperhitungkan sebagai penerima beban tapi hanya sebagai beban )
Beban-beban yang dihitung adalah :

  1. Beban mati ( yaitu berat penutup atap, reng, usuk, gording, kuda - kuda, plafon termasuk instalasi listrik, air bersih/air kotor dan instalasi lain yang berada diatas plafon dengan posisi menggantung )
  2. Beban hidup ( angin, air hujan, orang pada saat memasang/memperbaiki atap ).
Kuda - kuda berdasarkan bentang kuda-kuda dan jenis bahannya :
Bentang 3-4 Meter

Digunakan pada bangunan rumah bentang sekitar 3 s.d. 4 meter, bahannya dari kayu, atau beton bertulang.
Bentang 4-8 Mater
Untuk bentang sekitar 4 s.d. 8 meter, bahan dari kayu atau beton bertulang. 

 Bentang 9-16 Meter
Untuk bentang 9 s.d. 16 meter, bahan dari baja (double angle).
Bentang 20 Meter
Bentang maksimal sekitar 20 m, Bahan dari baja (double angle) dan Kuda-kuda atap sebagai loteng, Bahan dari kayu
Kuda-Kuda Baja Profil Siku
Kuda-Kuda Gabel Profil WF

Untuk bentang lebih dari 9 m disarankan menggunakan tenaga ahli dalam menentukan dimensi material yang digunakan.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hand Painted

My lovely and talented "Super Mommy" friend has just launched her website and I am so proud of her! Her son is 4 months younger than G and is G's best little buddy.. You have to look at the nursery she created for her little one. Her husband carved each animal out of wood and then she came and hand painted it all. Each animal is on pegs so that they can come off and the kids can play with them. Genius! Look at the details. Go take a gander at her website and please contact her if your in the Los Angeles area, like her style and are interested in hiring her for mural painting or Interior design work!. She is also a textile designer!

Blogger Room 2 Ways

Hi Y'all! I am sooooo excited about my little series over here. I have a fantastic guest poster today. The lovely Danika from Gorgeous Shiny Things!!!! If any of you haven't become her number one fan yet, you must go check her out. She is the genius behind these amazing images

Anyways back to the post.... Danika has been in the process of re-decorating her living room and apparently, doing this series gave her the mojo she needed to get in gear. Here is what her living room two ways came out looking like

first way:

second way:

The first living option I think is my favorite.. I am a sucker for a gallery wall and an even bigger sucker for bright colored pillows on a neutral background!!!
 Thanks Danika for sharing your beautiful living room with us. Can't wait to hear which room you all like the best. And if you wanna get lost in a blog for a couple hours go take a look at  Gorgeous Shiny Things

Thursday, February 24, 2011

G's big girl room

So what do you lovers think....Are you guys diggin it?
It's for G and I have maybe designed and re-designed her room a BILLION times. I think I just need to move on already and make it happen.  So this is what I came up with and am sticking to it.


LALA Love you: one of the first pieces of art I bought for G

Dresser: DIY Paint color Pratt and Lambert 1849

Pillow: Highland Court Abstract

Flamingo Art: I can't remember but I found this which I love

The peacock chair, I own. Same with the lamp which I believe is Mitchell Gold...But I can't find a link 

Holy Art Balls!

I am gonna DIY the shit outta this concept. Could you just flip out over these colors or what!!! I think I am gonna do an old crappy ikea dresser like this and see how it comes out...Could look like cat barf...or I could be the next Fancy Pants innovative art guru?

Feel free to die now over this.. I just did.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What a House!

Check out how amazing this group of designers are.
Um, I just about died but thankfully the urge to keep flipping through the website pages fueled my will to live!

Flashin Back

I can still remember when I first became obsessed / borderline stalker about Interior Design. I was in design school and felt like everything I was learning was soooo boring and cooperate.
I was in a world of micro fibers and foam core boards. I was learning tons about the color wheel and how to really accent a room with lame overhead lighting. Who the hell needs to know about micro fiber and track lights anyways. Just because you can pour red wine on a couch covered in Micro Fiber does not hide the fact that it is simply the ugliest and worst fabric in the ENTIRE WORLD. I will lick the face of the person who hates micro fiber as much as me...there, I said it.

Anyways, back to the point...ahh yes flashin back to interior design 2006-2007. It was the year of Wearstler and Jeffers. I was in LOVE with these designers and there flare for color and weird wallpaper. I loved them so much I found myself spitting terms like Damask and Chinoiserie often. These rooms in particular were my most fave. Can you remember these classics?

BT Dubbs I can also remember my obsession with puffy paint, BK Knights, the wheel o' whirl paint thingy, New Kids, and...The Video with the animated dancing cat and Paula Abdul...