Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wuz Crack-A-Lackin??

We are slowly but surely starting to put some finishing touches on some of Client Awesomes house and it's coming together FABULOUSLY!

check out the Family Room bookshelves....pretty snazzy!

We are still filling in frames, and picking out more gorge, but this is whats happening so far.

Also I have filled in more pillows in the kitchen nook!

Have ya'll forgotten about the giveaway?

I hope not

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Home girl has it goin ON!!!

Wha Wha Whaaaa Whaaaatttt ?!!???!?!?!?!

That's what I said when my bloggin homey Naomi of Design Manifest got this pretty little feature in Design Sponge.

I have always known Naomi to have quite the talent, but I am very very impressed with her home. 

I got a glimpse a while back when she did a "One Room Two Ways" post for me HERE. If you have not ever seen it, please go do.

anyways back to this..

Ready for a gob smack??

I know right??

Let's discuss

Talk amongst yourselves.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Monday

Hope you all had a nice black Friday and a quiet weekend to recuperate after stuffing your guts full of bird.

In honor of "Black" lets start the Monday off right and illustrate all that's right with this perfect color..

shall we?

{all images from my Pinterest}

So I worked all day Saturday with a little bit of installation at Client Awesome's house..

I am going back there on Tuesday so I will have better photos to send you then. 

The ones I took were garbage and the house is not even CLOSE to being completed,
but here is a sneaky peaky of the new chandelier...{ignore the weird half on half off thing going on}

Just a little news: YOU GUYS ARE GONNA least I hope..about Client Awesome' progress...

It's B-A-N-A-N-A-S

don't forget to enter in the giveaway for the gorgeous Josef Frank pillows from Woody Liana,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Preliminary Design Renovasi Rumah Minimalis di Jelambar

Desain 3D rumah dibawah ini adalah preliminary design renovasi rumah yang berlokasi di Jelambar, Jakarta Barat. Desain awal rumah milik Ibu Mara ini adalah bangunan 2 lantai, namun dikarenakan lokasi yang termasuk daerah banjir maka setelah beberapa kali peninggian lantai, plafond rumah menjadi rendah. Maka dari desain awal tersebut, dibuatkan desain renovasi untuk dijadikan 1 lantai saja dengan memanfaaatkan tinggi bangunan yang sudah ada.

Tampak Depan Renovasi Rumah

Tampak Perspektif Renovasi Rumah
Tampak Perspektif 2 Renovasi Rumah
Tampak Rumah Eksisting
Desain renovasi rumahnya cenderung ke arah Minimalis Tropis, yaitu rumah bernuansa minimalis dengan kombinasi tropis yang Rumah Desain 2000 rasa memang lebih cocok untuk kondisi yang ada diindonesia yang memiliki tingkat curah hujan cukup tinggi. Konsepnya sederhana, hanya menaikkan level atap pada bagian tengah bangunan eksisting agar terlihat lebih manis dengan penambahan 2 kolom besar didepan bangunan dengan balutan batu alam berwarna natural. Tambahan lainnya terletak pada penambahan pintu garasi kayu pada sebelah kanan bangunan serta penambahan topi-topi berbentuk sederhana pada atas kusen jendela dan pintu garasi. Bagaimana menurut anda? Apakah anda berminat untuk merenovasi rumah anda?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday GIVEAWAY

Even though I know you are prob scoring deals left and right with Black Friday Deals......

Here is an opportunity to not have to spend any money at all!

Why not get some awesomeness for FREEEEEEE??

I am happy to offer you lovers a giveaway from the spectacular 

The lovely Liana is giving you lovers a chance to win a pair of these gorgeous Josef Frank "La Plata" pillow Covers in Blue!
They are 20" square with pattern on the front and off white Belgian linen backing.
Knife edge finish, invisible zipper closure and accent tassels 


To Enter the Giveaway, Leave a separate entry for each for added chances to win!

1.Follow my bloggy HERE
2. Follow Amber Interiors HERE on twitter
3. Like Amber Interiors On Facebook HERE
4. Go favorite Woody Liana Shop on Etsy HERE

Seems easy enough yes?

I will be announcing the winner on Dec. get entering.
Good Luck

I am still waking up form my Turkey Coma....It is not normal at all to consume as much food as I did yesterday and to still be hungry this morning.

I think I have a hollow leg.

love ya lovers!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Widget untuk Mengganti Warna Background secara Otomatis

Menggunakan kombinasi warna yang tepat agar tampilan blog menjadi lebih menarik dan elegan bisa menjadi alternatif bagi yang suka utak utik template.
Penggunaan kode warna sudah merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan bagi para blogger untuk membuat tampilan yang sesuai antara background, border, dan warna huruf.
Untuk menambah variasi dan mengurangi kejenuhan dengan penggunaan warna yang sama maka widget untuk mengganti background secara otomatis ini bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat.

Untuk lebih lengkapnya ikuti langkah berikut.

  • Login ke akun Blogger kamu.
  • Dari halaman dashboard
  • Pilih tab Elemen Halaman ( Page Element ).
  • Klik pada bagian Tambah Gadget dan pilih HTML/JavaScript.
  • Copykan script berikut dan letakkan pada kotak Content yang tersedia :

<script type="text/javascript">
function bgChange(bg)
<table width="100%">
<td onclick="bgChange('')" bgcolor="DarkOrange">&nbsp;</td>
<td onclick="bgChange('DimGray')" bgcolor="DimGray">&nbsp;</td>
<td onclick="bgChange('Maroon')" bgcolor="Maroon">&nbsp;</td>
<td onclick="bgChange('MidnightBlue')" bgcolor="MidnightBlue">&nbsp;</td>
<td onclick="bgChange('DarkGreen')" bgcolor="DarkGreen">&nbsp;</td>
<td onclick="bgChange('DarkSlateBlue')" bgcolor="DarkSlateBlue">&nbsp;</td>

<span style="float:right;font-size:10px;color:SeaGreen;">background Change</span>

Keterangan :
  • Warna Merah ; warna petunjuk untuk kembali ke warna background default (asli), silakan diganti dengan warna lain sesuai template ( hanya sebagai tampilan kembali ke warna asli ).
  • Warna Kuning ; warna background yang diinginkan, pada saat di klik warna background akan berubah sesuai jenis warna yang telah ditentukan. ( ubah sesuai kebutuhan, untuk kode warna bisa dilihat disini "Menggunakan Kode warna dalam blogging"
  • Warna Aqua ; keterangan widget, ganti sesuai kebutuhan.

Selamat mencoba...!

Things that make you go Mmmmm!

I am so pumped to eat tomorrow...

For Realzzz, I might out eat my husband and brother....

Hell, I might out eat all of my 24 guests combined....

.that's right we are having 


at my house for Thanksgiving Dinner....

Who else is stoked for lots of dishes and leftovers???



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

table lamps can get old

don't you think.

Why not use a pendant, or a sconce?? 

When all else fails, throw the table lamps crashing to the floor and go pick yourself up some outside the box thinking!

Down with table lamps and up with pendants and sconces....




I think YES

Here are some options I got my eyeballs on.