I must be crazy to hve such a long list of wants....I am in no position to be lusting after such things as leather clutches and Missoni Haviana Espadrilles, but I have a way about me....When I want something, I will obsess until I posses. That might just be the Gurl in me, I don't think I am alone with this type of thinking.
These bad boys are what I am obsessing over today...let me repeat OBSESSING!

Dear Santa Duck...please purchase these for me as a waaaaay early christmas pressie...
and because it's the end of the world today so it only seems fair I go out in style....right?
*buy here*
Speaking of Haviana, Did you know you can design your own???
I fugured mine would need some evil eyes.
1. cause I need to ward evil away from my feet
2. cause they are corny, I am corny, however my feet are not corny
P.S. when did my interior design blog become about fashion.....I need Ritain
P.S. when did my interior design blog become about fashion.....I need Ritain
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