I am totally excited for this next guest post of "1 room 2 ways". I am so excited, that I decided to post it today instead of Friday! I couldn't contain myself or these beautiful images. The super talented and uber cute Kirsten from 6th Street Design School has one of those blogs that is my DAILY READ {as well of thousands of other devotees}. I read it no matter what and I don't think I am alone. Her style is bright and colorful and she always has some gorgeous images to gander at. If you have been living under a rock and don't know her famous blog then go take a look. You'll probably get lost for at least 3 hours!
Here is what Kirsten had to say about her Master Bedroom:
"I actually switch off back and forth between these two arrangements all the time. In one picture you will see just pale pink pillows paired with my navy shams and navy duvet. This arrangement is very subtle and soft. The pink in the pillows almost has a peach hue to it. In the next image you see more colorful pillows on the bed and I actually moved my pink pillows down to my settee at the end of the bed. I like this look because it's much more vibrant. It's what I have out now because it is getting me in the mood for spring. I love playing with my bed pillows during the year to pull out a different mood. Pillows are the easiest way to change a room!"
What a beautiful change up of her room!
P.S. I think the first look is my favorite. Don't forget to check out 6th Street and send Kirsten a big cyber hug from me. Thanks for playin Kirsten!

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