I got nominated my friends, by not 1 amazing blogger but 2 amazing bloggers for this "stylish blogger award" bizness.
Danika...the seriously talented and annoyingly perfect blogger from Gorgeous Shiny Things as well as Emily from Recently {whom I just discovered today and is a blog rockstar} I guess deemed me worthy of the award. I feel propelled to take my moment.....cry a little, and give you a speech.. Just kidding. I am supposed to tell you readers 7 things that you didn't know about me....Who's ready for a nap cause my life can at times be snooze worthy!
1: I was born in Hawaii.....Mook Ka Laka Heke Come on you wanna Lay me..yes my friends I was born on the island of Kauai because my Hippie parents graduated from High School and went to live on a beach instead of do the whole "welcome to the real world" way of life. Lots of my family still live there and I like to visit as much as possible!
2: I hate certain words.....words that I cannot even type, and if we were having a conversation and you used them I would get up and leave the room....
I will give you some hints-
First word rhymes with wussy..starts with a "p".........say it and I will vomit on you. This also includes words that have this word within them.... Gwynnie will most likely get kicked out of kindergarten one day when they ask her what creature lives in the ocean and has 8 tentacles...and she replies "Octobuddy"
The second word rhymes with hoist....starts with an "M"...used to describe a cake or something damp....again I will vomit if I so much as hear this word.
Thirdly, this word rhymes with pasty, starts with a "t" and is also probably used to describe a caked or other baked goods..Triple Ew!
3: The Duck is kinda a big deal...HaHa! He is technically famous most places in the world except the US and is literally a British world travelling rockstar.The tweens love him. Throughout his 11 year career I have seen him take on swarms of screeching kids crying for an autograph and a picture with him. I have also had the fortune of watching him play to crowds of 50,000 plus people whilst pyrotechnics and laser beams go off all around...I means it's really weird right! Hence why the Duck remains the nameless "Duck"... BTW Just typing this instantly makes me feel like an asshole...oh well, I guess it's something you didn't know about me!
{that's the duck with his guitar}
4: I have a really, really good memory for pictures but I will forget your name and what I did 10 minutes ago..
5: I like to draw:
6. I love movies but I HATE movie theatres. Just seeing one makes my palms sweat. Hence why I let the Duck have a super TV surround sound bollocks in our house, just so that I stopped feeling bad for never going to the movies.....ever!
7. I have a major secret crush on "Russell" The troll from survivor: And Crispin Glover who plays "Willard" the sketchy rat collector dude from the movie Willard.
have you all fallen asleep yet? Thanks Ladies for the nomination. At least it gave me something to post about today. I was stumped between front door colors and bedroom inspirations. I will leave those for tomorrow!

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